
Non-P.C. Society!


The following article was extracted from the Dover Telegraph for Saturday, June 1, 1850, p. 8, col. 2

Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews

   On Sunday last sermons in behalf of the above Society were preached, in the morning, at Christ Church; in the afternoon, at Charlton Church; and in the evening at Trinity Church, by the Rev W. Ayerst, Secretary to the Society, and late Missionary to the Jews.  At the close of the services collections were made as follows:- Christ Church, £15 19s. 6d.; Charlton Church, £1 15s. 6d.; Trinity Church, £6 1s. 9d.
    In furtherance of the same object, a public meeting was held on Monday evening, at the Royal Oak Rooms.  The meeting, though not a crowded one, was very fully and respectably attended, and was presided over by J. B. Knocker Esq., with whom, on the platform, we observed the Rev.  W. Ayerst, the Rev.  C. G. T. Barlow, the Rev.  C. S. Coles, Mr. Stalkart, &c.
    The proceedings were commenced by the chairman, who briefly introduced the object for which they were assembled, and the duty and privilege of Christians in disseminating among God's ancient people the truths of the Gospel of that Saviour through whom alone salvation could be obtained.
    In the absence of the Secretary, the Rev. J. E. Bates, who through indisposition was unable to attend, the report of the Dover Branch, or abstract from the Treasurer's Account, for the past year was read by the Rev. Mr. Coles, from which it appeared that £73 had been collected from various sources, and that £69 17s. 11d. had been remitted to the Parent Society.
    The reading of the report was followed by some remarks from the Rev. Mr.  Barlow, who threw out a judicious caution to the supporters of the Society, who, he observed, might relax in their efforts if success did not immediately follow the labours of the Missionaries to the Jews; but the supporters were to remember, that the duty was theirs, and the results must be left to God.
    The Rev. Mr. Ayerst, late a missionary to the Jews, was then introduced to the meeting, and for upwards of an hour was engaged in detailing the important operations of the Society, interspersing his remarks with the most cheering and encouraging facts of success attending the efforts that have been made by the Society in various parts of the world.  In Austria, the recent convulsed state of that empire had opened a door which had heretofore been closed against the introduction of the word of God, and the New Testament, translated into Hebrew by the Society, had found its way thither.  Jerusalem, Rome, Prussia, Egypt, Africa, Smyrna, Beyrout, and other places, were alluded to as spheres of labour, and in many instances results of the most satisfactory character had been already witnessed.
    At the close of the meeting a collection, amounting to £6 9s. 8d. was made at the door.



Last updated 25 January 2008